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A public repo to keep track of issues and feature requests in pooltool
Recently create a new account with one of my stake addresses I wanted to claim after searching up one of the pools I was delegated too and clicked the "Claim...
Hi there On visiting pooltool.io which is something I regularly do the rewards were zero. I saw the message and setup the account, paid some ADA, then I had issues...
Ability to order reward wallets. Ability to edit wallet names. Great job!!!
There should be the ability to sort by declared pledge when viewing consolidated pools. At the moment you can only carry-over the sort from standard view, but cannot sort while...
Hi, I’ve noticed that the predicted blocks on PoolTool app is different to the desktop (website) data e.g. ticker “DIVY2” - The app (Block Production) says 39.0 but the website...
Not sure if this would make it cleaner for people viewing pools - could then distinguish between community + big pool operators more easily. A sting of "binance", "kraken", etc...
re: https://iohk.io/en/blog/posts/2020/11/13/the-general-perspective-on-staking-in-cardano/ I think it would be very useful if people could see -- and filter/sort by -- the leverage value for each pool. This is a key piece of...
So we can check/prove/explain value of rewards if we are using pooltool.io for tax purposes.
As pledge as a service is getting more common every day and will get even more common when a0 is raised and or the CIP-a0 is implemented it becomes harder...
Display an insights chart for pool owner : Number of page visits, unique visits, visits today, visits in the last 24h, comparison with last week's visits at the end of...