Added general QA ttest structure, based on the SidechainSDKTest framework, with a couple of example-tests based on the lambo-registry workflow. NOTE: requires changes detailed in this issue to be run...
In the testing framework the extra_args parameter is declared but not handled in the method start_sc_node() here: could be useful if we have to pass custom system properties to...
please fix this error message: Actually the box id is not printed correctly, making more difficult the debug: {"code":"0204","description":"GenericTransactionError","detail":"Box [B@3180d476 is not found in state"}
/wallet/allPublicKey response currently shows only the "publicKey" field of each key present in the wallet (see example below). We should add a "type" attribute because since 0.3.0 the Schnorr keys...
The lack of orphan transactions management causes some limitations. One of the most relevant is that in case of revert of multiple blocks, we can loose some of the previous...
the default api should expose an endpoint to notify the sync status of the node (current node height VS total sidechain height) Something like this one used in the explorer...