Michael Panzer
Michael Panzer
Ich würde da gern helfen hätte nur evtl. einen anderen Ansatz. bei `openwb-pro` steht folgendes für den phasenswitch ``` func (wb *OpenWBPro) Phases1p3p(phases int) error { return wb.set(fmt.Sprintf("phasetarget=%d", phases)) }...
So after seeing that @artem-zinnatullin is using locals db or some persistence anyway in his apps, I can understand why things might work for him. 1. But if you introduce...
I did the same thing just using the AbsListView.OnScrollListener because libs like Universal Image Loader are based on that for pausing loading and so on. ``` java private OnScrollListener mOnScrollListener;...
Had the same problem. This happens if the nr of colums changes on screen rotation because the nr. of colums is getting restored. There should be a check if the...