Results 244 comments of ΝΙΚΟΛΑΣ

@rubas leverage the sparser ignore comments, eg: ``` {% block content %} (function () { var d = document, s = d.createElement('script'); })(); {% endblock %} ```

There are some conflicts with PrettyDiff I've noticed since I've worked with it. We use the Liquid parser which is similar to the Twig parser. If you're defining the language...

No stress on this, I was just curious and more so looking for your expertise to better guide me in achieving such a result. I am working with this code...

Making noise on this one for discussion of v3 https://github.com/MithrilJS/mithril.js/discussions/2754.

Thanks for the fast response, really appreciate it. Are there any plans to bring the project upto a modern standard? I would be happy to help but do not want...

FWIW (and though deprecated) trims are invalid on: - `{% stylesheet %}` - `{% javascript %}` IIRC This is also an issue for the `{% style %}` but might of...

Just to confirm, this version would thus enable us to set attributes on `js` and `css` files before they are appended? for example, those using something like turbolinks would rely...

Bumping this cause 4 weeks later no response. If no communication in the next week I will publish it to Definitelytyped which seems rather silly considering I am offering to...

Use wrap at `85`, eg: ``` "html": { "correct": true, "force_attribute": false, "braces": false, "preserve": 1, "wrap": 85, "preserve_text": true, "content": true, "space_close": true, "tags": [ { "tag": "source", "rules":...

FYI: If you have Liquid tags you can do this: ```js ``` It will help prevent the tags from breaking.