Results 244 comments of ΝΙΚΟΛΑΣ

Hey @davidpanzarella thanks for keeping engaged. Yes! almost done with this release. Liquid will have it's own Language mode (no longer uses HTML injection) and will have all the intellisense...

Yo Davey. I feel terrible for subjecting you and other users to the constant delay for this release and I want to thank you for your patience. I keep adding...

Hey @davidpanzarella, keeping you in the loop. I will be sifting through all my local additions, changes and updates tonight/tomorrow and pushing them the 2.4 branch. Some real progress made...

Hey @davidpanzarella, sorry I've been busy with my other job recently I still haven't had the time to wrap up this version or respond, again my apologies. There are only...

🚢 Shipped [v3.0.0](https://github.com/panoply/vscode-liquid/releases/tag/v3.0.0) ### Note The language is no longer associated to HTML - Instead it is now recognized as Liquid.

Use `{{ product.totalsum | prepend: “€ ”}}` this can also be fixed with formatting option applied to HTML but I’m unsure which option controls that aspect.

Select the tag, ‘cmd+shift+d‘ in vscode will allow you to select all tags that match that selection, might be of some help.

This can be configured using [Prettify](https://github.com/panoply/prettify) rules. Take a look at [v3.0.0 Release Notes](https://github.com/panoply/vscode-liquid/releases/tag/v3.0.0) and the new [Readme](https://github.com/panoply/vscode-liquid)

Have you got formatting enabled on save within your vscode settings? The formatting button toggles formatting activation but you need to save the document in order for formatting to work.

Hey folks, I am unable to re-create this in my environment. Can you give me some more details here?