找到原因了,是高度设置的问题,在魅族pro6上设置480,vivo xplay6设置了720就不会被拉长 可是,我如何计算高度该设置成什么呢?
已解决,你设置视频预览宽高地方的代码有问题 MediaRecorderBase.java类,给支持尺寸的排序 Collections.sort(supportedPreviewSizes, new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(Size o1, Size o2) { return (o2.height + o2.width)-(o1.height + o1.width); } }); 然后修改MediaRecorderBase.java类中的prepareCameraParaments方法中设置预览尺寸的地方 if(!NEED_FULL_SCREEN){ mParameters.setPreviewSize(mSupportedPreviewWidth, SMALL_VIDEO_HEIGHT); }else { Size size...
@andy31415 @woody-apple Fix conflict about PR 22837.
@yufengwangca Please review this change, whether it can be incorporated into Android chiptool
@yufengwangca @andy31415 Please review this PR. This should be regarded as the missing function of Android platform, could you evaluate whether to merge it?
> - [x] API must not add new params to pairDevice. Please use setters for policy replacement - [x] Overriding outcome on failed attestation, but not providing a way to...
@tcarmelveilleux @andy31415 @yufengwangca Re-request review.
已解决, 调用destory之前应该先调用一次hide
@leichunfeng 怪不得Demo里根视图是NavigationController, 原来是这样. 但是...这样的TabBarController是不是并不完善呢