Pan Li

Results 6 comments of Pan Li

@rmrf 这个主要还是得看 node remove 的时候,calico 相关的已经 assign 的 IP 是否已经回收。如果是按照现在主分支中的做法的话(calico 运行在容器之外),IP 应该会被回收,所以这个信息没有删除应该不会有问题。 但是对于 calico 运行在容器内的版本来说的话,calico 相关的信息应该还是需要清理的。 @wchaoyi @supermeng @bibaijin @liuxu623 能确认下这个么?

It's mainly because exception happened when calico using docker network; An optional quick solution is change the name of the app and deploy it again; Another solution need enter the...

> Here I wrote the detailed steps how I fixed this issue in our env with cgroup v2. Let me know if it works in your env. > >

> ### Important notes / workaround > v1.6.7 or v1.6.8 even with `no-cgroups = true` in `/etc/nvidia-container-runtime/config.toml` and specifying the devices to `docker run` gives `Failed to initialize NVML:...

@gengwg thx for your reply! > cgroup driver for kubelet, docker and containerd are all systemd. Hmm, that's interesting, it's quite different from my situation. Would you please share your...

@fradsj thanks for your reply, seems the same problem as us. Here is how we solve it, hope it will help: - Add `--pass-device-specs=true` to your k8s-device-plugin like this comment...