Expected object 'SharedRes' has no actual declaration in module for JVM
this is my bottom navigation class HomePage : Screen { @Composable override fun Content() { Surface { TabNavigator(tab = HomeScreen) { Scaffold( bottomBar = { BottomNavigation { TabNavigationItem(tab = HomeScreen)...
org.koin.core.error.KoinAppAlreadyStartedException: Trying to run new Koin Application whereas Koin is already started. Use 'KoinContext()' instead of check for any 'startKoin' usage. In ios whenever i rotate screen app is crashing...
this is the actual function i created to change app language actual fun changeAppLanguage(language: String) { AppCompatDelegate.setApplicationLocales( LocaleListCompat.forLanguageTags(language) ) } For android 14 it is working fine in compose multiplatform...
val cameraPermission = rememberPermissionState(Permission.Camera) {isPermissionGranted-> if (isPermissionGranted) cameraManager.launch() } ImagePickerBottomSheet( sheetState = sheetState, onDismiss = { coroutineScope.launch { sheetState.hide() } }, onCameraClick = { Print.log("cameraPermission.status ${cameraPermission.status}") if (cameraPermission.status.isGranted) { cameraManager.launch()...