Alex Panchenko

Results 32 comments of Alex Panchenko

Checking certificate beforehand is surely the right thing to do. I can see you already use the `checkValidity()` method, there is also another one - `checkValidity(Date)`. I would recommend calling...

IMHO that's already documented: @mgardiner what would like to achieve exactly?

Enunciate is indeed executed during build time, but you can change endpoint configuration after that. There is some mismatch here.

Currently authority-based routing in nginx works with any identifier (not a domain name) passed as authority. That would stop working if this issue is eventually implemented, am I correct?

@manikandan-ravikumar Could you please elaborate on the reasons for `disableTrailingSemiColon`?

> The reason behind this is, not all typescript projects use the trailing semi-colon pattern as with JavaScript/Typescript semi-colons are optional. Providing an option to disable it will avoid unnecessary...

Not a bug. All the public members are included into JSON serialisation. If you don't want some of them - they should be annotated with `@JsonIgnore` or similar annotation.

It's possible to mock final classes with Mockito. In 5.* versions it just works, in previous versions need the `org.mockito:mockito-inline`dependency

The challenges with mocking are more generic and not specific to gRPC. It's normal to mock only those methods which are called, etc. Depending on the particular case - one...

If using Gradle the generated files can be easily modified before compilation. ```groovy tasks.named('generateProto').configure { doLast { // modify generated files here } } ```