Yes. Thomas Heljula Sr. IT Administrator, Network O: 314.770.3482 [cid:[email protected]] [cid:[email protected]] Best in KLAS for Value-Based Care Managed Services – two years running. [cid:[email protected]] 13900 Riverport Drive, Maryland Heights, MO...
If I created a new password and hash can I put that in the bootstrap.xml and use that password? I would like to avoid known default passwords. Thomas Heljula Sr....
No I changed the bootstrap template first and then launched them in Cloudformation. Thomas Heljula Sr. IT Administrator, Network O: 314.770.3482 [cid:[email protected]] [cid:[email protected]] Best in KLAS for Value-Based Care Managed...
So I believe that the step function is failing execution on creation of the Subscriber VPC and VPN. 3fa3e3a0-f3e3-46ed-a1d9-2ecaa2263b4d arn:aws:states:us-west-2:167648698950:execution:SubscrierStateMachine-nWPliObOdMPh:3fa3e3a0-f3e3-46ed-a1d9-2ecaa2263b4d Failed Mar 19, 2018 02:52:57.875 PM Mar 19, 2018 02:53:11.150...
Yes and the PAGroup has been created successfully as well. Thomas Heljula Sr. IT Administrator, Network O: 314.770.3482 [cid:[email protected]] [cid:[email protected]] Best in KLAS for Value-Based Care Managed Services – two...
OK I am restoring the original bootstrap file and will attempt again. Thomas Heljula Sr. IT Administrator, Network O: 314.770.3482 [cid:[email protected]] [cid:[email protected]] Best in KLAS for Value-Based Care Managed Services...
I restored the original bootstrap file and have redeployed the cloudformation templates. All of them have reported create_complete. The PAGroup exists and it appears to be build the VPN connection...
Who is responsible for getting the “ConfigureSubscriberVpcVpn” action into the queue? That appears to be the next step and my state machine does not appear to be getting that message...
I will give that a try. From: cronq [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2018 9:01 AM To: PaloAltoNetworks/aws-transit-vpc Cc: Thomas Heljula ; Author Subject: Re: [PaloAltoNetworks/aws-transit-vpc] Password not working for...
So I executed the templates with the default CIDRs and still cannot get beyond the subscriber CreateVpnConnection step. That step succeeds and pass the function back to Fetchfrom Queue. I...