Pan Long
Pan Long
[email protected] is super outdated and there are many security vulnerabilities. Manually verified the scripts are still working.
When I try to pass a combinedKernel into combineKernels() to chain them, I got this: Uncaught TypeError: arguments[i].setCanvas is not a function at GPU.combineKernels
KeepingYouAwake doesn’t activate if the connected display is in mirroring mode (mirroring the built in display)
我把install dependency里面的yum改成dnf之后可以在fedora22上成功安装并且打开, 但是输入的时候并没有任何中文出现。暂时不清楚是什么原因。
Hello! I compiled the tool and it did not give me any output image, even with the dataset provided in the repository. It just stopped with "Depth Recovery DONE". Isn't...