Patrick Altman

Results 78 issues of Patrick Altman

The use case is having a country selector and then based upon the country that is selected displaying a `select` input field for the regions for that country. I am...


[Enter steps to reproduce below:] 1. Fresh install of Atom on OS X 10.10.3 **Atom Version**: 0.194.0 :warning: **in 1.0 API Preview Mode** :warning: **System**: Mac OS X 10.10.3 **Thrown...

Just like Slack offers. Login with password or email magic link.

if for whatever reason the user resetting their password never clicked on the email confirmation link to verify their email, we should go ahead and mark it verified if and...


We have had `pinax-theme-bootstrap` for quite sometime now, only recently separating out the vendored statics. These leaves a few bits and pieces but mostly just a set of templates, mostly...

For Discussion

the `PINAX_BLOG_SLUG_UNIQUE` setting when set to `True`, causes a migration to be generated after install. the migrations that ship with pinax-blog were created with the default settings which is `False`....


It's ideal to have titles no longer than 60 characters and meta descriptions no longer than 150 characters. We should at least provide that help text in the admin, but...

difficulty: easy