Ben Welsh

Results 292 issues of Ben Welsh


I'm building an AJAX search form that includes a search box and two pulldown filters with predefined options. If the user fills in the search and also uses the pull...

This proposal would add support OPTIONS request with a simple permissive response. My hope is that this will allow for integration with SSL systems. For #179. cc @ngbrown

This is the use case I'm trying to implement now and I'm struggling to get a CORS hit on an upload request from a separate dockerized node application to connect...

Having trouble since they have dropped support for gitmozembed in the lastest Ubuntu. Man, screenshots are something I'm dying to script but I'm having the hardest time getting going.

```/home/ben/.virtualenvs/street-racing-map/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/adapters.pyc in send(self, request, stream, timeout, verify, cert, proxies) 488 489 except (ProtocolError, socket.error) as err: --> 490 raise ConnectionError(err, request=request) 491 492 except MaxRetryError as e: ConnectionError: ('Connection aborted.',...