Dewey Dunnington

Results 82 issues of Dewey Dunnington

Just a small addition to returning geography columns...the WKT that's returned by BigQuery has geodesic edges instead of planar ones. The latest wk update [introduced a way to mark these](

We are contacting you because you are the maintainer of **hrbrthemes**, which imports **ggplot2** and uses **vdiffr** to manage visual test cases. The upcoming release of **ggplot2** includes several improvements...

As hinted on Twitter and as per our discussion earlier, I think there are a few easy things that could speed up a number of things considerably! The main one...

I would have expected this subset-assign call to update the bounding box of the object...I imagine this behaviour is unexpected? ``` r sfc_obj 1 2 1 2 ```

This PR adds support for more types of queries that include calls to R code (i.e., `map_batches(..., .lazy = TRUE)`, user-defined functions in mutates, arranges, and filters, and custom extension...


In ARROW-15857 (#12734) we fixed the nightly failures on rhub/fedora-clang-devel by a kludge modifying the default makefile, but also upstreamed the fixes ( and These upstreams are now both...

We are contacting you because you are the maintainer of **viridis**, which imports **ggplot2** and uses **vdiffr** to manage visual test cases. The upcoming release of **ggplot2** includes several improvements...

@hadley suggested that perhaps your vroom benchmarks could have nicer breaks for the values that aren't in seconds. This is a quick fix that uses the excellent rounding and parsing...


I imagine this isn't the intended behaviour but also has a very easy workaround (don't use hyphens in a C++ source filename). ``` r temp /private/var/folders/gt/l87wjg8s7312zs9s7c1fgs900000gn/T/Rtmp9b1IjL/file1045918f3e435/src/cpp11.cpp:5:43: error: expected ';' after...

A number of people have asked following the rstudio::conf talk about how raster might be implemented in Arrow. Arrow serves a different purpose for raster (whose data buffers typically do...