Pasquale Tripodi

Results 20 comments of Pasquale Tripodi

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@mrow4a wouldn't just be enough to check if the variable is set, like changing to: ``` $files = isset($_POST['files']) ? $_POST['files'] : ''; ```

btw, moving just before seems to do the trick. is implemented the same way.

I can indeed reproduce the issue. Steps taken: ``` sudo -u www-data php occ app:enable encryption sudo -u www-data php occ encryption:enable sudo -u www-data php occ encryption:select-encryption-type masterkey sudo...

Error from owncloud.log: ``` {"reqId":"gI0KwBkGEP8zOkRpW35s","level":3,"time":"2022-05-20T13:31:41+00:00","remoteAddr":"","user":"--","app":"PHP","method":"--","url":"--","message":"fclose(): supplied resource is not a valid stream resource at \/var\/www\/html\/owncloud1091\/lib\/private\/Files\/Storage\/Wrapper\/Encryption.php#815"} ```

The problem is due to the fact that Ubuntu 22.04 comes with openssl v3.0.2 per default and in this version legacy ciphers (which we are still using for server-side encryption)...

@IljaN correct, and are the problematic calls AFAICT

@IljaN is first called when encrypting files with master key and, yes, it returns an ` multikeyencryption failed error:0480006C:PEM routines::no start line` error

while is called when converting to plain text to read the file. I did not test it but I assume it will trigger the same error.

@IljaN fresh-one with no files except the standard ones.