Carlos Enumo

Results 7 comments of Carlos Enumo

I did it. It's one of the files I've changed.

For me it always happens after a long sleep. When I wake my macbook in the morning I have to relaunch the app because it has been killed. Here's my...

Curiously, I'm using another monitor with a USB-C to DisplayPort cable and I didn't have this issue for a while now. Previously I was using HDMI. I don't know if...

It was definitely HDMI's fault (in my case). Since I've changed to a USB-C to DP cable I haven't had another crash. ✨ **Update:** It still (rarely) crashes sometimes, but...

It works if I type: `curl -v --path-as-is http://localhost:8080/files/.` But unfortunately it's not very useful that way.

I use directoryBrowser to explore and download files from my iOS app documents folder. My database file for example is at the root folder. This functionality is also used by...

Swifter is still very useful for me because I've built a SQL console with it to query my app's database directly. I've also made a network interceptor using websocket. But...