Jeffrey Painter
Jeffrey Painter
Thanks for the confirmation. I look at shell scripts a little differently - not as the environment, but as a kind of code at the same level as a .py...
This is more useful with my pull request #147, but should be included with or without it.
In my experience most certificate-related errors have not arisen from Synda, but from problems with the identity server used to update certificates. And most of the time the existing certificate...
Actually I had submitted this patch last year, pull request #145. Nobody paid attention, and since then the master branch was changed so as to make it incompatible. I will...
A new pull request, $164, does the same thing as #145. To enable it, edit the configuration file: add a line "continue_on_cert_errors=true" in the download section. Then, if Synda tries...
The clean way to get it into your version is with a git merge from the continue_on_cert_errors branch to your git-controlled copy of Synda. If you have a separate working...
I believe that the server name is extracted from your OpenID which is set in credentials.conf.
You are right. I also use It only has an occasional brief failure, possibly due to overloading. My little patch deals with this successfully but couldn't possibly help your...
I did that three years ago. At the time, and probably now, there was no special tool for filling up the Synda database from any external information. I did not...
I will shortly issue a pull request to default it to True, the only value that works for me.