I would use the same manner for chats as well. it has more friendly methods and it handles pagination for you .
by chats you mean groups? You can do dialog.isGroup if you want only legacy chats you can do dialog.isGroup && !dialog.isChannel
Are you on the latest version? Node or browser? Did you do anything special in your code?
can you try the latest version?
does this only happen when you use the from param? alternatively of you are not the admin you can try using delete message with all ids and it will only...
I wouldn't use that much but you can generate from 1 to current msgId something like ` Array.from({length:currentMsgId},(v,k)=>k+1)` and pass that to deleteMessages if you pass 10 000 ids it...
hmm I'm not sure. Currently you can do the same thing with a progress callback. Just throw something inside the progress callback and it will stop the function. downloadMedia and...
I'm open to having a pause/stop/resume functionality We could still use the controller thing and make it a downloadController instead of abort. .pause = pauses until user calls .resume .stop...
client.disconnect() ?
I think @watzon made an old port to deno. It required some work because there were some differences in Promises and sockets.