The easiest way is to convert the sqlite session into a string session using telethon and then importing that.
there is already a helper method that does that, you should use it instead since it's a bit more complicated.
Bot API adds -100 in front of supergroup IDs to represent that they are group ids not user ids. The real ID is the part after -100. All new IDs...
the stripped thumb property is like 1kb at best and won't have much info. you can use `strippedPhotoToJpg` to convert it to an image. ```ts import { strippedPhotoToJpg } from...
version 2.12.0 should have a similar fix. It will retry the requests that were lost during the connection drop out.
Are you sure you're trying this code with a bot not a user?. Make sure you're using the correct bot to do this. (the bot needs to be in the...
You can't use the IDs alone. You also need the accessHash. The accessHash is different for each account. If the library has seen that ID before it stores the accesshash...
What are you trying to do ? if you are trying to do voice calls you'll need to use the tgcall library
for files under 10mb you'll need to set those attributes yourself. For thumbnail there is a thumbnail property that you can use. For video length/heigh/width as well you can set...
good luck. it will look something like this ```ts client.sendFile(entity,{ file, thumb:"path to thumb", attributes:[new Api.DocumentAttributeVideo({ duration:duration, h:height, w:width, })] }) ```