Hi @mattallty, ### Issue Six vulnerabilities [3 high, 2 medium and 1 low severity] are introduced in **_@caporal/core_**: 1.Vulnerability **CVE-2021-23337** (high severity) is detected in package **_lodash_** (versions:
Hi, @NMFR, I stumbled upon a vulnerability introduced by package **[email protected]**: ### Issue Description When I build my project, I note that **[email protected]_** transitively depends on **[email protected]**. However, the vulnerability...
Hi, @PeterRao @weiyie, ### Issue Description I noticed that there is a vulnerability introduced by package **jstoxml**: Vulnerability **SNYK-JS-JSTOXML-1017039** (high severity) affects package **_jstoxml_** (versions:=2.0.0) has fixed the vulnerability ([SNYK-JS-JSTOXML-1017039](
Hi, @skellock @rdewolff, there is a vulnerability introduced in your package **apisauce**: ### Issue Description A vulnerability [**CVE-2020-28168**]( detected in package **axios
Hi, @domoritz, ### Issue Description I noticed that a vulnerability is introduced in **[email protected]_**: Vulnerability **SNYK-JS-D3COLOR-1076592** affects package **_d3-color_** (versions:=3.0.0) directly depends on **[email protected]** which has fixed the vulnerability [**SNYK-JS-D3COLOR-1076592**](
Hi, @iiroj @okonet, I’d like to report a vulnerability introduced in your package **lint-staged**: ### Issue Description A vulnerability [**CVE-2020-7707**]( detected in package **property-expr
Hi, @dmfrancisco, I have reported a [vulnerability issue]( in package **google-p12-pem**. As far as I am aware, vulnerability(high severity) [**CVE-2020-7720**]( detected in package **node-forge(
Hi, @wawhal, I have reported a [vulnerability issue]( in package **terminal-kit**. As far as I am aware, vulnerability(high severity) [**SNYK-JS-TREEKIT-1077068**]( detected in package **tree-kit
Hi ,@davidlehn, @tplooker, there is a vulnerability issue in your package: ### Issue Description A vulnerability [**CVE-2021-21366**]( detected in package **xmldom
Hi, @jamonholmgren, I'd like to report a vulnerability introduced by package **[email protected]**: ### Issue Description I noticed that a vulnerability is introduced in **[email protected]_**: Vulnerability **SNYK-JS-EJS-1049328** affects package **_ejs_** (versions:=3.1.6)...