Márcio Duarte
Márcio Duarte
> Unfortunately, most likely due to the fact that our project is to some extent commercialized (marketplace, donations) we will not be able to use its free version. @bobmitro I...
Specifically for icon fonts, an option is to load the icons from a json file generated by [Fontello](https://github.com/fontello/fontello/wiki/How-to-save-and-load-projects) or [Icomoon](https://icomoon.io/docs.html), as [this plugin here](https://codeb.it/fonticonpicker/#acf) does.
Nice workaround. It would be difficult to use a select if there's too many icons, though. Usually there's lots of icons in these libraries, so a search field would be...
Until the documentation on JS hooks improves, you can add the [HTML `pattern` attribute](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Attributes/pattern) to your text field definition to validate it via browser (it doesn't work with the `textarea`...
Custom error messages using the Constraint Validation API. ```javascript // This works in tandem with the pattern attribute for each text input. jQuery(document).ready(function($) { // Displays error messages in the...
Existe um fork desse projeto sendo ativamente desenvolvido: [woocommerce-rmpagseguro](https://github.com/r-martins/woocommerce-rmpagseguro). [Página oficial](https://github.com/r-martins/woocommerce-rmpagseguro). É mencionado na própria [página de desenvolvedores do Pagseguro](https://dev.pagseguro.uol.com.br/page/plataformas).
It's really troublesome when things like these happens. I personally considered using Titan some years ago, but decided to choose another framework, that is still being actively maintained. I'm glad...
@milojennings I've been using [Kirki](https://wordpress.org/plugins/kirki/) for years now. But with the [Full Site Editing](https://make.wordpress.org/design/handbook/focuses/full-site-editing/) and [Global Styles](https://make.wordpress.org/design/handbook/focuses/global-styles/) features being actively developed in WordPress Core right now, frameworks like this will...
No meu caso, o responsável pelo problema foi o plugin [Direct Checkout for WooCommerce](https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce-direct-checkout/). Ele permite remover campos do _checkout_ e o campo **Company** (Empresa) pode ser removido por lá....
Thanks for the new examples, @g105b, they cleared up some things I didn't understand at first. > If you would like me to make an example that's more inline with...