> yes, I used the examples as a basis. > In the meantime I switched to another library that solved my problem. @pietsmar Hi, what is the library you used,...
Thanks a lot, will give it a try :-)
Hello Regarding the messed up colors... Seems the firmware on https://flasher.bitronics.store/ is not optimized for the ESP32 2432S028 with two USB connectors. I have that one as well. Try flashing...
@ChicoCybergoth Did you check on a schematic if your button is connected to a regular GPIO pin? If it is a one button device and the button is connected to...
@ChicoCybergoth Is it this board we're talking about? https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/stable/esp32/hw-reference/esp32/get-started-devkitc.html
@sany3001 How does it behave for you? I found one of these ESP32 boards with EN and Boot button. For me it also makes full reset if I hold boot...
@sany3001 Thanks a lot for your test. I will prepare the code to check as well how it behaves with a different pin and come back to you when done....
Hello... Took longer than I promised... By defining pin 0 as "button pin 1" in the source code and then, after compiling and flashing the board (with PLATFORMIO) the Boot...
> Will you create PR? Will you add small circuit diagram? Hi Sany, good evening Do you know which of the files from platformio after compiling are the needed bin...
ESP32-2432S028R devices have 320x240px resolution screens. These ones show total hash rate by default in lower right corner on the main screen.