Add the option in the Settings to show images as they are originally submitted so in other words uncropped. Instead of cropped and then having to tap to show the...
Have the option to create, edit and view a private note for user accounts.
Have the option to create and add a drawing to a post.
I know other users have been asking for: - see image focus point - crop image - rotate image
I've been seeing this problem for quite a while now that I at first wasn't able to tag two accounts in one post. This was fixed but I still can't...
Have the option to make a thread post so in other words create multiple posts in one go.
It would be great if you could schedule a post to publish at a later point in time.
It would be great if video and audio files are supported to add to a post so also making disk support (local iDevice, iCloud) available to select the audio file.
Have the option to translate a post on your timeline.