> Using struct padding might be a bit risky in case of future struct changes This was considered when doing the fix, given this structure's last field layout (according to...
> Both CWeaponSwapData and CWeaponComponentReloadData are externally referenced structs and dangling pointers may exist after destructWeaponComponentBlob destroys component data. Right, good catch. Before I go ahead with changes, are any...
> What would be reasons to add this? Currently there is not a trivial way (afaik) to replace the default ropedata file as the path is hardcoded, this adds a...
> Should also decide whether this native should be allowed to write to any arbitrary entity/script-extension instead of using `IsOfType`, `FromGUID`, or whatever. I'll add an `IsOfType` check shortly, apologies.... shows a few cases where this event is triggered in gameplay: ramming peds with a vehicle, using the up-n-atomiser, falling over in rapids, punching & shooting peds, and setting...
> So, is this problem related to the limitation of the number of archetypes? And if their amount is full 100%, how can this problem be solved? Not necessarily, there...