José Pacheco
José Pacheco
Noting I took this config from
any updates on this change? In addition to the bloat, the current `tests/` dir contains an outdated/vulnerable version of jQuery (which is probably fine for tests, but not great to...
Shouldn't this be two arguments? as in `Action(Player, Action.Trade, (GiveFreqdeck, ReceiveFreqdeck))`. Any reason why you decided to concatenate them?
At the very least, it looks like we can move the dependency to catanatron gym, as all of the production usages are there (we define the graphs in catanatron.models.board, but...
where's the 72 coming from?
Hi @ptudan, are you able to fork the repo and open a PR against this repo from your fork? On the specific issue, I believe the click library is parsing...
On that note, I'm wondering if we can completely replace nxgraph here - see
in general I like this direction. I do agree we should check if the player has won after every action taken. Catan _does_ require that you win in your turn,...