Paul Abrams

Results 15 issues of Paul Abrams

> ❯ cargo install tactics-trainer-cli > Updating index > Installing tactics-trainer-cli v1.0.0 > Compiling autocfg v1.0.1 > Compiling libc v0.2.112 > Compiling proc-macro2 v1.0.34 > Compiling unicode-xid v0.2.2 >...

contents of ``` Python from bearlibterminal import terminal as term key = print('key:') print(key) ``` Output: ``` me@pop-os:~/bearlibterminal$ python key: 224 ```

At the heading [Use the SDK](, we are told to call `VSS.init` and after that call `VSS.ready`, and there is no mention of `VSS.require`. A little further down in the...

Reading #112 it looks like some versions of typescript don't work with some versions of the vss-web-extension-sdk. Which versions work with what? For example, if I want to use version...

When I use vss-web-extension-sdk, it seems to be able to use some older version of react.js without actually including it anywhere (never doing `npm install react` or including it in...

When I try to import * as React from "react" without first doing `npm install @types/react`, typescript says "Cannot find module 'react'". So if I then `npm install @types/react`, I...

I'm confused about the versioning. Your package.json says "5.140.0", npm says 5.141.0, and your release page says 2.117.0. How do these versions interact? Also, are we supposed to use specific...

[This]( describes how to add an action to the work item context menu. I've added four actions, now I want to group them in a parent fly-out menu, like the... As far as I can tell, there's no way to pick the time, only the date. The user must enter the time manually via keyboard. Am I wrong, and...

❯ git clone toto Cloning into 'toto'... remote: Enumerating objects: 4242, done. remote: Total 4242 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 4242 Receiving objects: 100% (4242/4242), 3.07 MiB...