Pablo Olmos de Aguilera Corradini

Results 12 issues of Pablo Olmos de Aguilera Corradini

I expected to being able to write ``` + buy milk + read book ``` Like on markdown, and have them transform to a beautiful list, but it doesn't work...

I've been using shocco for a while and found that if I have something like: ``` sh cat > # I'm a comment hello I'm a here document EOF...

I really like Jellybeans, but I'm having a lot of problems making it work with my terminal colorscheme (mostly problems with colorcolumn and wildselect, that maps to 233 instead of...

This pull request has 3 main points: 1. Rails 3.1 has a slightly different directory structure, being the most relevant the location of the stylesheets, now in app/assets and this...

I created a new app and then ran: `rails g nifty:layout --haml` I expected that it should work with haml since then, but everytime I use the nifty:scaffold I've to...


I was trying to extend a functionality on dotify, but I wanted to keep the bdd approach dotify already has. I cloned the repo, created a new (rvm) empty gemset...


I'm using the colorscheme, and using xresources (top, is hybrid in gvim, second is hybrid on terminal, and the third one is terminal jellybeans). ![comparison_vim_hybrid_hs_file]( If I comment the `let...

I was seeing that some of the rspec-mongoid matchers are similar to the ones from shoulda matchers, but some have minor differences, like using `ensure` instead of `validate`. Shouldn't they...

new feature

Ok, this is something kind of hard to explain, but works like this. Most of the time swipe gestures work fine, but suddenly, it stops registering three finger swipes, until...

While I see vim-rsi is correctly mapping ``: ``` :verbose imap i ä * dw Last set from ~/.vim/.cache/neobundle/vim-rsi/plugin/rsi.vim ``` My $TERM/terminfo(?), prints ALT + D as `^]d`, unsurprisingly typing...