Compiled and installed on my system, works great. Very helpful. Thanks!
@traverseda I'm having the same issue. My `docker-compose.yml` file references an `.env` file where the `APP_NAME` environment variable is defined. Inside the container, the variable is correctly set. ``` root@80d48c11e309:/#...
OK so the command that needed to be run for the environment change to take effect was _not_ `artisan config:clear` but `artisan config:cache`. So if I up my docker compose...
Well sorry for the humming and hawing. It seems both commands are actually required --if I run only the first, I get a 419 error when attempting to log in...
Thanks for the heads up, @manuglopez . I can confirm that by cloning the repo to `~/.local/share/ulauncher/extensions/com.github.brpaz.ulauncher-docsearch` (on Ubuntu 22.04) and checking out v1.1.0, then restarting ULauncher, the plugin works....