Pablo Garrido
Pablo Garrido
Sorry @gavanderhoorn we do not have enough bandwidth for looking at this. I'll keep it open and check it later.
This tweak is for sending from the client to the agent payloads bigger than 64 kB, not for receiving them.
Not really, because it relies on dynamic memory on the agent side to store an arbitrary amount of fragments. We cannot do such a thing on the client-side...
That should be possible but implies rearchitecting Micro XRCE-DDS Client
Hello @edesta-be and @CLansdaleBEC, this is a key point of discussion in the micro-ROS environment. Initially, XRCE-DDS (the micro-ROS middleware) was designed as a wire protocol for communicating resource-constrained devices...
This is a great point, next week we are going to have an internal meeting and I will talk about this fallback mechanism. Definitely it possible to implement it in...
So, which kind of transport are you using?
Hello @edesta-be, running the micro-ROS client in Zephyr still needs to have an Agent. Regarding the P2P brokerless mode, maybe we can talk with @FranFin in order to schedule a...
Hello @eden-desta, we have implemented some basic inter-node communication inside micro-ROS middleware. Just activate [this flag]( in your `colcon.meta`. We have tested it but it still in develop branch, so...
Hello @VBorjaDD, currently micro-ROS supports two middlewares: - eProsima Micro XRCE-DDS is a lightweight middleware that needs an agent to interface with ROS 2. Notice that there are community support...