
Results 31 issues of Pablo

I hope not being too out of place, but being [Parquet]( an open source format very similar to CSV, usually better when using big files, I hope a full support...

Recently found this project after searching for regex patterns for each MARC 21 subfield. A little overwhelmed about all its features. I start trying to get a report of a...

Would be great to offer/build Linux installer on a Flatpak package. Afterward could be [offered on Flathub](, so the installation process end up being just `flatpak install flathub qa-catalogue `...

Installed with `pipx` over Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS: ``` pipx install jumpcutter installed package jumpcutter 0.1.6, installed using Python 3.10.12 These apps are now globally available - jumpcutter done! ✨ 🌟...

Indicators were working fine. After a `sudo swapoff -a`, `sudo swapon -a` (not sure if a while between these commands affect) the text correctly show 0% and the graph correctly...

This project is really useful. I didn't found a related issue on Pulseaudio tracker, so a [filed one]( I wonder if you consider adapting it to became a [Pulseaudio module](

On some places it must be change - +


Would be great to offer Caesium on a package form. Could be classic deb or newer forms: - [AppImage]( - [Snap]( - [Flatpak](

Trying to restore the tabs, after _Open x tabs of all y tab(s)_ just open one blank tab, try to run xdg-open (a unassociated file type?). Clic _yes_, nothing happens....