
Results 40 comments of Pablo

Maybe related to #351. In my case I could install it with `apm install pigments` but immediately crash my PC while trying to enable it (Atom 1.45.0). I forgot to...

In my case `autojump.txt` became completely binary/"garbage" after autojump crash (don't know why). `strings autojump.txt` doesn't give anything useful. Fixed overwriting with `autojump.txt.bak`. Compared side by side with an hex...

I cross again with this bug, this time with v22.2.4 Python 3.6.7. In this case I'm pretty sure the problem was moving around files with Cyrillic characters. The error was...

All the issues related to inaccurate forecasts are duplicates of issue #9, isn't it?

Maybe this recent (trivial?) bug on v2 is related to this issue: ![image](


To be more precise, according to [this post]( they're not only katakana, but _just normal Latin alphabet digits, letters, and symbols; the rest are Japanese characters (mostly [half-width katakana](,...

[Here]( is a workaround for _pattern1 AND pattern2_ on ag ([here]( on SO). Would be great o have it builtin on ag, though.

@gaia Is a nice workaround, just separate the query for the numeric column, use [VALUE]( using array forumulas (`=ArrayFormula(VALUE(ImportJSON(... ,"/mynumbers",...`).

[Here]( is an example of how to use it: ffmpeg -i input.wav -filter_complex 'lv2=plugin=https\\://' output.wav