Pablo González Luengo
Pablo González Luengo
Hello, this comment I leave only to get out of the way to the lack of executable (.exe) for windows the best is to install WSL and then Ubuntu 18.04...
WSL2 that will be out by the end of the year is much faster...As soon as I got home I'll try removing `libpoppler-private-dev`. Ha, I forgot to comment that the...
Hello again, here goes my report, the truth is that it is not necessary to have `libpoppler-private-dev`. I have increased the experiment a bit more to see how much it...
@HeimMatthias, I'm glad that it served you, unfortunately the use of WSL is not available for versions `s` of win10. I tried from `fedora` to create a `.exe` version using...
@muzimuzhi Your trick is great :), it would be nice to adapt a _custom lexer_ something for LaTeX3 as proposed here (
@wspr This is already implemented (if I have not read the documentation wrong).
Related to #212
@cgnieder Great, it's a nice approximation, unfortunately I don't use `task` for this, because of psychometric norms in the creation of selection tests, the alternatives go in vertical order (as...
@gusbrs @FrankMittelbach In reality, the problem lies in: If you change the MWE to: ```latex \documentclass{l3doc} \usepackage{lipsum} \begin{document} \begin{enumerate}[listparindent=1cm] \item \lipsum[1-3] \end{enumerate} \end{document} ``` the same problem is observed.
Thank you very much for the answer, I think it will be a very nice feature. The best Pablo