Lilin Chen

Results 6 issues of Lilin Chen

您好, 想請教個問題 Paper中有提到作者您的 **Training Strategy** 想請問有沒有你們用來訓練imagenet的完整設定config檔可以套用參考呢? 感謝您~

## 🐛 Bug ## To Reproduce testing code: ``` from maskrcnn_benchmark import _Custom as _C from apex import amp rotate_iou_matrix = amp.float_function(_C.rotate_iou_matrix) boxes1 tensor([[672.4067, 290.7776, 791.0275, 38.9333, 34.1454]] boxes2 tensor([[672.4067,...

### Search before asking - [X] I have searched the YOLOv5 [issues]( and [discussions]( and found no similar questions. ### Question For my understanding. Training the segment model we have...


**Describe the bug** I run the "demo/" as example arguments, and it works. However, when I change the option "proto-net" to "baseline++" the error happened as follow. ``` File "C:\GitSource\SolVision3.0\AI_Vision_WPF\TaskProcess\bin\x64\Release\PYD\slmmm\packages\mmfewshot\demo\",...

Hello, I've been utilizing the default SuperPoint for feature extraction combined with LightGlue for keypoint matching in this repository, and the results have been quite satisfactory in my use case....

您好 首先感謝作者傑出的作品 我注意到你們conditional的條件是用類別來區分,不同於一般diffusion模型用text 且你們的模型輸入時也沒有prompt輸入 想請問你們的做法跟一般diffusion的差異 謝謝
