Maxine R Bonnette

Results 7 issues of Maxine R Bonnette

**What you want IINA to do:** Preferably, be built to enable full decoding and screenshot encoding support for JXL, as such has now been fully implemented in ffmpeg and mpv....

type: feature request

Please, use Mitchell for downscaling and use nearest neighbor for upscaling. Mitchell is a good average between preserving sharpness and not causing artifacts for downscaling, and neighbor is very important...

**Describe the bug** 7 minutes later... **To Reproduce** On macOS (via the homebrew keg), if you set the proc section to tree and collapse launchd, the memory usage reported by...


" ", // U+0020 SPACE "█", // U+2588 FULL BLOCK "▌", // U+258C LEFT HALF BLOCK "▐", // U+2590 RIGHT HALF BLOCK "🬀", // U+1FB00 BLOCK SEXTANT-1 "🬁", // U+1FB01...

An addition like this should be added to the CommandT definition.
