I concur. A lot of the examples three uses have been around longer then three's implementation. I feel that keeping the API and nomenclature the same is important for clarity...
made a lot of progress on this. need to update our test spec with the newly imported webgl.ts lib
wip. requires glue to be finished
was working on implementing that, but need to support the cli to work on my windows machines. wip..
You can configure checkstyle rules for github to enforce the lint and style rules., TODO; Commiting editor configurations is not practical. I generally only use Visual Studio Code to smoke...
I think we should revisit > All the other LUME packages use the same scripts, [for example](https://github.com/lume/element-behaviors/blob/74ac7a3fce839448fef4d24b804992afd17a5813/package.json#L16-L30), which come from [`@lume/cli`](https://github.com/lume/cli/). > > Only lume/glas currently doesn't because it is...
shouldn't shape be a variation type of the Image class? IE using SVG image
i was able to reproduce your behavior on this, got the window but getString crashed.