## Description Hello! Currently, validator monitoring feature allows monitoring plenty of useful things in beacon node about validators, gathering information from api/gossip/blockchains. We also can monitor new blocks produced by...
#### System information ``` erigon:~$ docker image ls REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE thorax/erigon v2022.07.04 70949dd09afd 5 days ago 640MB erigon:~$ docker exec -it erigon_node erigon --version erigon version...
## Description I want to create a table with blocks, proposed by our validators, but I found out that `validator_monitor_beacon_block_total` starts immediately from 1. This is a problem because it's...
## Description Hello! I found out that metric `validator_monitor_prev_epoch_beacon_blocks_total` always shows `0` regardless of real block produces. For example, in ropsten validator id `101918`. We can see that it [produce...
# Rationale Need to get at least erigon version from prometheus metrics, it's very useful. Maybe also a network info (goerli, mainnet and so on). # Implementation Add that information...