
Results 24 issues of Pomad

Is there any plan to add keypoint or skeleton sequence based human video generation?

### Issue Summary Hi, I'm not much familiar with caffe! but i have a conda environment with pytorch 2.0. is it possible to use openpose with this version? if not,...

Hi Is it possible to finetune the LLM (mgpt) with specific words? I want the model to answer with just few available words in my dictionary not all the possible...

Hi, Is it possible to generate a single character from the Pose for about 5 seconds? I have a video of Pose ( openpose + hands + face) and i...

@space-nuko Hi May i have your group or contact on discord/ skype or telegram? Thanks

Hi, its working perfectly on my device. but after about 2:15:00 it stops recording correctly! it combines all the atttenders and chat section into the shared screen section! So there...

Hi, I was wondering if i can use Mediapipe holistics ( which includes 543 whole body keypoints) to the controlnet or not? I saw that openpose keypoints can be added...

I get the following Errors! WAS Node Suite Error: Unable to save file due to the to the following error: Expecting ',' delimiter: line 637 column 59 (char 40169) WAS...

Hi, I want to use WAS in the process for batch images on API... But i got this Error: got prompt ERROR:root:!!! Exception during processing !!! ERROR:root:Traceback (most recent call...

Hi, I'm new to the Roop. I was wondering if it is possible to generate a video with controlnet and roop together? I have managed to generate a video using...