
Results 61 comments of p0358

Probably changing the DLL overrides settings in registry for the wineprefix... I wonder if there's some wine hack to make it cleaner

The trick in Windows would be `AppInit_DLLs` - http://web.archive.org/web/20071229055255/http://support.microsoft.com/kb/197571 - http://web.archive.org/web/20100124145108/http://blogs.msdn.com/nickkramer/archive/2006/04/18/577962.aspx - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/win7appqual/appinit-dlls-in-windows-7-and-windows-server-2008-r2 But after a glance on WINE source code, it doesn't seem like it implements this, so idk

You should be able to accomplish this by adding a custom logging sink class that would create breadcrumbs, then attaching it to a logger

> I’m not sure making this dynamic (as in: changable at runtime) is a good idea in general. Many SDKs do this with a DLL. For example Epic Online SDK...

Is there any reliable way to tell whether the `before_send` hook was called on an actual crash or with some other non-crashing random kind of event? Looking at https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-native/blob/9e12f81695bb22a79e141c2e357c4aecf9bc2703/src/backends/sentry_backend_crashpad.cpp#L140-L146 and...

It seems like the native handler generates a generic event only to discard it after the before_send function...

imo it should be more of something like this: ```ts declare module 'simple-vdf' { export function parse(text: string): object; export function stringify(obj: object, pretty?: boolean): string; export function dump(obj: object,...

`push_options: --dry-run` sounds like it should do the tricks, at least when running under one job and under one git repo clone. The question is, will the last action invocation...

It seems like it does not. The action in case there was nothing to commit shows this output: > Working tree clean. Nothing to commit. But if `git push` was...

Uh, wait, I noticed some issues with the first change, don't merge it yet xd Perhaps I should have split them into two PRs ergh