
Results 4 issues of p-state

Installation log ``` root@localhost:~/rematch# docker-compose -f server/docker-compose.yml build ; database uses an image, skipping rabbitmq uses an image, skipping Building web Step 1/14 : FROM python:3.6 3.6: Pulling from library/python...

I need to analyse one function in my binary, but I have to pass pointer to big chunk of memory as an argument. I've created additional segment in IDA and...

Hello again. I noticed that binmap can't scan some files and exits without any error. Example file: http://rgho.st/8HLM52dqN ``` C:\test>binmap scan drweb32.dll -v2 -o test.dat blacklisting: "/dev" blacklisting: "/proc" blacklisting:...

IDA immediately closes (crash without dump) when I querying only one function. Everything works well when querying for all function. Queried function exists in database. Tested on: IDA 7.0.171130 and...