csv icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
csv copied to clipboard

[DEPRECATED] See https://github.com/p-ranav/csv2

Results 5 csv issues
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Is it possible to make it simpler to read data and then write that same data? The read function reads in rows as `unordered_flat_map`, but the write function expects `unordered_flat_map`....

## Environment * Ubuntu 18.04 * CLion 2019.1.4 ## Issue I test the program on a CSV file [*20k_rows_data.csv.txt*](https://github.com/p-ranav/csv/files/3734621/20k_rows_data.csv.txt) with 20K lines and the program does not work correctly. (I...

help wanted

I would prefer to default to threads off for simplicity and error propagation, but I think csv looks like a good project. Looking around at a few of the sources,...

This is same use case as #16 except for writing to a file. An option to have the writer append to an existing file would be very helpful. Even better...

I have a use case where I want to parse the first part of a CSV file with my own parser and the rest of it with your parser. Currently,...
