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Microbenchmarking for Modern C++

Results 2 criterion issues
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Hello there, I've been playing around with `criterion` on Windows and ran into a few small problems. The first is it looks like `criterion` is using designated initializers. These were...

[ 98%] Built target unittests In file included from /home/davidd/prog/uri/examples/benchmarks.cpp:36: In file included from /home/davidd/prog/uri/build/_deps/criterion-src/include/criterion/criterion.hpp:11: In file included from /home/davidd/prog/uri/build/_deps/criterion-src/include/criterion/details/main.hpp:9: /home/davidd/prog/uri/build/_deps/criterion-src/include/criterion/details/structopt.hpp:1106:47: fatal error: instantiating fold expression with 257 arguments exceeded...