Line 16 of `migrations/` defines this contraint: `CHECK (is_bank_account = FALSE OR _type = 'AS')` `migrations/` then proceeds to change the field name to `type` rendering the constraint ineffective. This...
Looks like this could be a good program for me. Sadly it is useless without changing my entire theme because I cant read the blue names in the list of...
Hello How can I provide my own network settings?
Maybe I've missed something but I cant see how to generate a diff dict. I need a dict representation of the changes to simplify database updates. Is this possible?
Please stop the pain
What are the steps to reproduce this issue? ------------------------------------------- 1. run alpine: docker run -it alpine:3.15 sh 1. Install deps: apk add git make 2. follow the manual installation instructions...
I believe it belongs in `djantic.fields.INT_TYPES`