It seems like you may have to add `series_library` to the serializer now.
> Adding the fourier transform tsfresh primitives as rolling transform primitives may be useful for time series (@freddyaboulton, @ParthivNaresh ) > > * https://github.com/alteryx/featuretools-tsfresh-primitives/blob/main/featuretools_tsfresh_primitives/primitives/fft_aggregated.py > * https://github.com/alteryx/featuretools-tsfresh-primitives/blob/main/featuretools_tsfresh_primitives/primitives/fft_coefficient.py Done: https://github.com/alteryx/featuretools-tsfresh-primitives/pull/100
- Yeah I purposely want to rip `api.py` out of the codebase if there is no particular reason for it. We would be able to delete many flake8 ignore comments...