Daisuke Oyama
Daisuke Oyama
Close #170
Would it be costly to support `MOI.VectorAffineFunction` also? https://github.com/JuliaPolyhedra/Polyhedra.jl/blob/3b289ddf7ab4c8626c87eaf8a42f0e73cc2d7e26/src/lphrep.jl#L3-L5
Is it possible to get the dual solution from a `JuMP` model constructed from a polyhedron? ```jl using Polyhedra using JuMP using Clp using LinearAlgebra hrep = HalfSpace([-1, 0], 0)...
The following code, as provided at https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/19194#issuecomment-257949354 by @mpastell (with updates for v1.0), works on REPL, but hangs on IJulia (v1.16.0) at `res = fetch(reader)`: ```jl oldSTDOUT = stdout rd,...
- Player, NormalFormGame - [x] Implementation - [x] Docstring - [x] Test - [x] Notebook - LocalInteraction - [x] Implementation - [ ] Docstring - [x] Test - [ ]...
- [ ] Allow `replace=False` in `SamplingBRD`
* This part https://github.com/QuantEcon/lecture-python.myst/blame/main/lectures/lake_model.md#L260-L274 is not very wise (computing the stationary distribution of a 2-state (column-)stochastic matrix by iteration). As shown in the [Finite Markov Chains](https://python.quantecon.org/finite_markov.html#example) chapter, and to be...
Add an "Examples" section to the [docstring](https://quanteconpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/optimize/linprog_simplex.html#quantecon.optimize.linprog_simplex.linprog_simplex) for `linprog_simplex`.
`jinja2.exceptions.UndefinedError: 'style' is undefined` (https://readthedocs.org/projects/quanteconpy/builds/20811367/) Maybe readthedocs/sphinx_rtd_theme#1463? For the moment, pin the version of `Sphinx` as < 7.0?
- [x] `build` badge: Should point to [conda-build](https://github.com/QuantEcon/QuantEcon.py/actions/workflows/ci.yml?query=workflow%3Abuild)? - [x] Remove `lgtm` badges: Invalid now. - [ ] `docs`: Would it be helpful to have `stable` and `latest` badges?