
Results 25 comments of oxygen

If this is the UUID from BIOS actually, then no, it will persist across OS reinstalls. Some motherboards might have a UUID of 0000-000... or FFFF-FF-FF..... which means invalid or...

I'm experiencing the same bug. I'm copying from Ubuntu to a remote ftp server with these characters in the names: ăîșțâ and when comparing on the server files get deleted...

``` ftp://citygrill.ro/ ---- Resolving host address... ---- 1 address found: ---- Connecting to citygrill.ro ( port 21 CWD /addons/classes ---- Data connection established ---> LIST MDTM button_send_request2x.png TYPE A...

``` CWD /addons/classes/SwiftMailer/dependency_maps CWD /addons/classes/Validators MDTM . TYPE A MDTM .. PASV MDTM 20. Meniu m?ncare.pdf CWD /addons/assets/hanuberarilor.ro/Promotions/slider MDTM TimestampValidatorException.class.php TYPE A MDTM URLValidator.class.php PASV CWD /addons/assets/hanuberarilor.ro/gallery MDTM .htaccess TYPE...

Please tell me what to truncate to clean these comments.

I think the FTP server is ProFTPd, which would be default for cPanel (I'm connecting to a recent version of cPanel, clean install on a private server). Well, WinSCP does...

Update: using --ascii has the exact same behaviour for the same files as above. Would you like an FTP account on that server, and my sync command?

Same deal: `Removing old file`assets/hanuberarilor.ro/FoodMenuPDFs/ro/20. Meniu m?ncare.pdf'` [...]

Sorry for taking so long. I was on Ubuntu 6.5. Just switched to the latest CentOS 7. Same problems as above. ``` iconv (GNU libc) 2.17 Linux vm 3.10.0-327.10.1.el7.x86_64 #1...