Is this happening after modifications, or is this from vanilla cloning? From what you're describing, it sounds like the headset is losing tracking often, so you might want to check...
I just had a look at your video. The current way I have the hands programmed causes them to sometimes slowly move back into place (they use physics to move...
Also, I forgot to mention something. First off, what you're working on looks really cool! Secondly, I've never tested the hand tracking through the link cable in the Unity editor,...
I just thought of something else a bit more obscure that might be causing the issue. The hands are each on a different layer that I had created, don't remember...
Yeah, the layers are HandL and HandR. I pushed a change that should fix the error. Though I don't think it's related to your initial issue. I have an idea...
I just pushed another change that snaps the hands into place if they're too far, rather than slowly coming back in. They still drift off when losing tracking, but they...
I just pushed another change similar to the previous one but this time for rotational offset. And I adjusted the values to be reasonable so that the hands don't just...
This project was created with Unity 2019.2.19f1 and while that is different from your version, I don't expect it should cause an issue. It would be a good idea to...
I pushed another update that allows you to turn off the max offset stuff. But even when they're off, there is some degree of phasing through objects based on how...