Bernhard Frauendienst

Results 39 comments of Bernhard Frauendienst

I believe this might be related to #35

Thanks for your reply. You're right, this seems to be an issue in Github that many people are complaining about: According to this thread, there does not seem to...

I don't see it anywhere in the code, to be honest. Only in the README.

I see. What I had hoped for from that feature is that it ignores the many (legacy) errors we have in the project and only complains about the ones in...

That would be much appreciated. Compiling on Ubuntu should definitely be possible.

I don't think this problem is related to conditional exports. If I change the package.json in the provided demo to contain the following exports property, I get the same error:...

Ah, my bad, I thought it's only called Conditional Exports when it contains different exports for import/require.

Typescript also exports a function [resolveModuleName]( It has the same signature* as `nodeModuleNameResolver`. However, it only delegates to this function if moduleResolution is set to NodeJs. For Node16, NodeNext and...

And here seems to be a PR that fixes this: :)

With v8.5.0 this now works for me, but only if I set the tsconfig module property to `NodeNext`.