That is because of occ can't support waylan. https://github.com/tpaviot/pythonocc-core/issues/1230
I'm trying to pack a conda package of nogil. :smirk:
I have built successfully locally. But there still some problems on github action. https://github.com/ovo-Tim/nogil-recipe https://github.com/ovo-Tim/nogil-recipe/releases/tag/test https://github.com/ovo-Tim/nogil-recipe/actions
Nogil for windows has built successfully!😉 https://anaconda.org/ovo-tim/nogil Try: `conda install ovo-tim::nogil` (There are still some problems about linux building github action:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/77895008/build-cpython-failed-on-github-action-output-tons-of-error-messages?noredirect=1#comment137324870_77895008)
@tpaviot Can you close it?It's pointless to keep it open.
Would you like to try conda? `conda install ovo-tim::nogil`
> If you haven't already, check out [pythonocc](https://github.com/tpaviot/pythonocc-core). It has a pretty stable build system and I think is readily available on conda. @trelau Thanks for your reply. In fact,...
@frmdstryr Thanks a lot.
@frmdstryr I have built successfully!
I have built a new conda package. https://anaconda.org/ovo-tim/pyocct