Adam Snodgrass
Adam Snodgrass
Been using digitalocean a lot lately, cheap and they have servers in AMS. On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 12:21 PM, Nate [email protected] wrote: > I could put it on...
I've got a referral code that will make me $10 once you spend $10 in service. One nice thing about digitalocean is that you pay by hour, $0.007/hr for...
Working on coverting it to html+css.
Last update from me was a while back, forgot to post. Not sure when I'll have time to work on it.
I'd love to work on a custom UI if we had an API, so I'm fully in support of this. Could we also serve up the resulting images as URLs...
> For now, we don't want to add more adapters to tRPC itself - they're quite a bit of work to maintain. Instead, please create a userland package called `trpc-partykit`...
Hey @Moggers, you're more than welcome to work on this. I haven't touched screeps since the private servers were released. Sorry for the late reply!