Oleg Varaksin

Results 12 comments of Oleg Varaksin

What is about to provide a pull requests? I have seen many addtional code in other issues that fix various problems, but nobody sent pull requests. Are they not accepted?

I'm interested in the answer too. @kittykatattack What is the difference between usage of `PIXI.utils.TextureCache` and `PIXI.loader.resources` in the `load` callback? Thanks in advance.

@RexSkz Thanks for the explanation. But why the Pixi’s development team recommends use `PIXI.loader.resources` then? :-)

Thanks for your answers, guys. @kittykatattack I just bought your PIXI book. It's amazing :-) Do you plan a second edition with last changes and more content? I know API...

Should we build and publish the 0.4.1 version? I would like to use the latests one via NPM and WebPack.

Where did you see ng server? This is not an Angular CLI setup. Every example has a README file on GitHub. According to the README you have to run npm...

Why did you remove OffscreenCanvas? It is available in Edge, Chrome and Opera.

the same here, @alexagat thanks for the workaround!

I've just wanted to ask if Transferable Objects are supported and found this issue :-) I'm interested in `ArrayBuffer` and `ImageBitmap` especially because in the near feature I plan to...

> Hi @ova2, > > Thanks for your comment and upvoting! We are prioritizing this issue in our roadmap for 2024. 2024 sounds good. Looking forward to this feature.